Smart Energi App: Get a complete overview of your electricity consumption.

Netron has collaborated with Smart Energi og has collaborated with Smart Energi to develop an app that provides customers with an overview of their electricity consumption. The challenge started with a draft of the UX design, which was tested with a panel of experts knowledgeable about the user group. It was important that existing customers found the service attractive while also ensuring that new, tech-savvy customers had access to relevant data

Later in the project, insights work was done for the development of a ‘smart platform’ in collaboration with MIKE. The platform will in the future be able to deliver data for various purposes. Initially, it was the mobile application that would retrieve data from here.”

The app is developed in Flutter, and it connects via an oAuth2 API to the Smart Platform hosted in Microsoft Azure. The platform uses MongoDB, synchronizes continuously with both Elhub and Nord Pool to provide the most updated and accurate information possible.

Overview of electricity consumption.

With the Smart Energi app, you can easily view your daily and monthly costs for electricity consumption. You get an overview of both current and historical data. You can check the applicable electricity prices at any time throughout the day. Additionally, you can read about energy-saving tips and current news from Smart Energi.

The app also provides easy access to information about your electricity contract and any additional products you may have. You can easily check your invoice status and have quick access to customer service.

Focus on user-friendliness.

The Smart Energi app is developed with a focus on user-friendliness and simplicity. With its intuitive and clear design, it is easy for you to get an overview of your electricity consumption and costs. The app is available on both iOS and Android and can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play.

The Smart Energi app gives you the ability to take control of your electricity consumption and costs. It provides easy access to all relevant information about your electricity contract.

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