What is important to consider when developing digital products?

Whatever approach you use, fail fast and adapt quickly! It’s always best to find out you made the wrong assumptions or miscalculated as early in the product development stage as possible.

Having a great idea is just the start of a long road from:

  • Idea to product
  • Product to customers
  • Customers to profit

Experience shows that new products are more likely to fail than succeed.

  • Why do it?
  • How to do it in a way that gives the best chance for success?
  • How much will it cost?
  • What can you expect along the way?


Developing new ideas into marketable and profitable digital products is an exciting and creative process. This process can be extremely fulfilling if you enjoy hard work, collaboration and learning. As failure is almost certain, resilience is important, as well as the ability to learn from mistakes, pivot and move quickly.

Any questions about developing digital products?

Send an e-mail to Miles at miles@netron.no, or visit us at the office in Fredrikstad.

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